Photo by my beautiful wife Laura, who got the shot of the day on her iPhone. 

Photo by my beautiful wife Laura, who got the shot of the day on her iPhone. 


I am a mechanical engineer by day/photographer by night (and I mean that literally as I've been on a nightscapes kick lately). I reside in Seattle and focus primarily on landscape photography and sustainable energy systems for K-12 schools.

I also love bad puns. For instance, this website is also registered under the domain Go ahead and try it. I’ll wait.

In time, I hope to expand this website to include some tutorials on night shooting and post-processing. Hell, I may even include a Revit tutorial or two for the confused AeroTek recruiters who landed here through my LinkedIn page (Hey, while you guys are here, may I interest you in a print of Rainier for your boardroom?).

Until then, thanks for taking the time to check out my portfolio, and stay tuned.